Chiropractic treatment for headaches are often related to soft tissue or the neck and musculoskeletal system. Headache pain often originates in the tissues of the neck and are referred patterns from the sub-occipital muscles.

The Most Common Causes Of Headaches That Present To Our Clinic Are:
Abnormal joint function of the neck
Muscle-tension- neck, upper back muscular spasms
Post-traumatic- following head/neck trauma, i.e. whiplash
Drug-induced- from analgesic overuse
Migraine headaches - hormone induced
Cluster type headaches
The types of headaches we can help with here at Perth Chiro Centre are those that are related to tension or dysfunction of the facet joints of the neck.
These include the following;
Cervicogenic Headaches
Cervicogenic headache refers to a type of headache that originates from the tissue structures in the cervical spine or neck region and feels like a dull ache. This causes constant, strong, yet dull headache pain. The most common location of the pain is around the orbital (eye) region and upper neck area but may also include other areas of the face, head, and neck.
This type of headache will typically last for one to three days and reoccur ever one to four weeks until properly treated. It may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing of the ears, and sensitivity to light and sound – similar to migraines or severe types of headaches.
Cervicogenic headaches are caused by irritation or injury to the structures of the upper neck region, resulting in local neck pain as well as referred pain to the temporal and facial regions. This is often precipitated or aggravated by head and neck movements and by applying deep pressure to the muscles of the upper cervical area.
Muscle Tension Headaches
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, approximately representing 60% of all headaches. This is often caused by the sustained contraction of the muscles in the neck and head region.
The sustained muscle contraction is usually a result of a combination of the following:
Abnormal facet joint dysfunction
Previous neck/upper back injury- not properly rehabilitated
Poor posture
Excessive emotional stress
Anxiety or depression
Prolonged sitting or driving
Improper sleeping habits
Tension building headaches are generally mild to moderate in intensity and can last from hours to days. There is a constant tight or pressure sensation, generally feeling like a tight band is wrapping around the head, causing debilitating pain. There will also be pain and tightness in the neck and shoulder area. Pain starts in the base of the skull or temporal regions of the head and spreads outwards to affect other areas of the head and neck.
Chiropractors can successfully treat neck-related headaches with spinal manipulation. This is through utilizing neck pain chiropractic, spinal adjustments, therapeutic exercises and stretches, soft tissue techniques such as trigger point work and massage, and by going through counseling about lifestyle modification and neck-related headaches. All these can significantly help in achieving great outcomes during the treatment process.
Headache Prevention Tips
Practice Proper Posture and Ergonomics
Proper posture and ergonomics eliminate stress in the cervical and upper thoracic spine. It also helps decrease irritation, injury, and pain on the sensitive spinal tissues. Resolving poor posture can significantly reduce headache disorders.
Proper Stress Management
Stress is a major cause of headaches. If you find your stress levels are high, please contact our office so we could help you treat your headache in the best way possible. We can appropriately assist you in managing your stress levels for migraine relief.
Regular Exercise
Regular physical activity keeps our body and mind strong. It also keeps us healthy and happy. A minimum of 3 times per week for 40 minutes should be your goal. To make your exercise activity more fun, involve your friends and family, do some mix-ups and stay consistent.
Proper diet and nutrition
Providing your body with the proper fuel through a healthy diet and nutrition allows the body to fight diseases and function to a higher level.